Study Of Dispersal Of Seeds By Various Agencies Pdf Download -- [BETTER]
How Plants Spread Their Seeds: A Study of Dispersal Mechanisms and Their Implications for Conservation
Plants are sessile organisms that cannot move from one place to another. However, they have evolved various strategies to disperse their seeds to new locations, where they can germinate and establish new individuals. Seed dispersal is the process by which plant seeds are transported away from the parent plant by different agents, such as wind, water, animals, or ballistic mechanisms. Seed dispersal is crucial for plant survival, reproduction, and evolution, as it affects the genetic diversity, population dynamics, and community structure of plant species.
In this article, we will review some of the main modes of seed dispersal and their ecological and evolutionary consequences. We will also discuss how seed dispersal can be affected by human activities, such as habitat fragmentation, climate change, and invasive species, and what implications this has for plant conservation. Finally, we will provide some links to download pdf files of relevant studies on seed dispersal by various agencies.
Wind Dispersal
Wind dispersal is one of the oldest and most common modes of seed dispersal in plants. It involves the use of morphological adaptations, such as wings, hairs, or plumes, that increase the drag and buoyancy of seeds and allow them to be carried by air currents. Wind-dispersed seeds are usually small and light, and can travel long distances depending on the wind speed and direction. Wind dispersal can enhance the colonization of new habitats, especially in open or disturbed areas, but it can also result in low seed deposition rates and high seed mortality due to predation or desiccation.
Some examples of wind-dispersed plants are dandelions, maples, poplars, and orchids. You can download a pdf file of a study on wind dispersal of orchid seeds here.
Water Dispersal
Water dispersal is another ancient and widespread mode of seed dispersal in plants. It involves the use of morphological adaptations, such as flotation devices or waterproof coatings, that enable seeds to float on water surfaces or to resist water penetration. Water-dispersed seeds are usually large and heavy, and can travel long distances depending on the water flow and direction. Water dispersal can facilitate the colonization of riparian or wetland habitats, but it can also expose seeds to high risks of drowning or decay.
Some examples of water-dispersed plants are coconuts, mangroves, water lilies, and lotuses. You can download a pdf file of a study on water dispersal of mangrove seeds here.
Animal Dispersal
Animal dispersal is a relatively recent and diverse mode of seed dispersal in plants. It involves the use of mutualistic interactions between plants and animals, such as pollination, frugivory, granivory, or endozoochory. Animal-dispersed seeds are usually nutritious and attractive to animals, and can be transported internally or externally by different animal groups, such as insects, birds, mammals, or reptiles. Animal dispersal can increase the quality and quantity of seed deposition sites,
and promote the gene flow and genetic diversity of plant populations. However,
animal dispersal can also be affected by animal behavior,
and availability,
as well as by human-induced changes in animal communities.
Some examples of animal-dispersed plants are berries,
and figs.
You can download a pdf file of a study on animal dispersal of fig seeds here.
Ballistic Dispersal
Ballistic dispersal is a rare and specialized mode of seed dispersal in plants. It involves the use of mechanical forces generated by the plant itself or by external stimuli,
such as heat or humidity 061ffe29dd